The L. C. Anderson HS Speech and Debate Booster Club

Our Booster Club supports a wide variety of speech and debate programming.  The purpose of the Booster Club is to support the students, parents, and coaches of the AHS Speech and Debate team by recruiting volunteers, conducting programs, raising funds to ensure the best learning, mentoring and competitive experience for all students. Please join us by becoming a Booster Club member. Annual Booster Club Membership runs July 1-June 30 each year. Please join here.




In addition to financial contributions, volunteering one’s time can make a significant contribution to the team. For example, the team is charged fees by tournaments to cover the cost of hiring judges. By volunteering to become a trained judge, you can save the team more than $150 per tournament. Some of our most active parents have saved the team more than $1,000 in judging fees in one season. We will have a mix of online and in-person tournaments, volunteering to drive a carpool allows more students to participate in tournaments without the expense of hiring buses.




The Booster Club is made up of family members of students on the team. We encourage each family to join the Booster Club for a $50 fee. The Booster Club typically meets two times per semester.

Join the Booster Club




Our generous Business Sponsors support all of the efforts of the team. As you choose where to do business, please consider supporting the AHS Speech and Debate Booster Club Business Sponsors.

If you’d like more information about the benefits of becoming a Business Sponsor, please click here.

2024-25 AHS Speech and Debate Booster Club Board

PresidentLauren Ward (Emmy, 11th)

Vice President – Teri Taylor (Zoe, 10th)

SecretaryFreshman Parent

TreasurerMina Kumar (Rosemary, 11th)

VP Fundraising - Betsy Johnson (Lauchly, 11th)

VP Communications - Hope Benko (Parker, 11th)

VP Travel - Brad Dieringer (Henry 12th)